RECENT GRAD HARVARD TGIF - March 14, Yankee Doodle Tap Room (Nassau Inn)
5:00PM Fri 14 Mar 2025, Eastern timezone
If you graduated from Harvard in 2010 or later, join us for a special edition TGIF -
7:00PM Wed 19 Mar 2025, Eastern timezone
This unique event is brings members of the Harvard community together on one night in cities all around the world to connect with fellow alumni and current students. It's fun and it's free! -
HARVARD CRIMSON COCKTAILS - March 21, Yankee Doodle Tap Room
5:00PM Fri 21 Mar 2025, Eastern timezone
If you are interested in lively conversation and networking with fellow alumni, join us for Crimson Cocktails. We meet on the third Friday of each month. -
Legacy of Light
7:00PM Thu 27 Mar 2025, Eastern timezone
A deliciously quirky, entertaining new comedy with subtle ironies, wry humor and intellectual depth